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2024-01-31 15:52:17
美[plænlɪs]  英[plænlɪs]
adj.  无图形的;无计划的;没用脑筋的


  1. aimlessly drifting


  1. In the meantime his life remained run down, planless, and empty and idle. 只能说是命运的播弄。
  2. Other than this kind of planless sauntering, Sun Shaoping had cultivated a habit of reading extracurricular books. 除过这种漫无目的的转悠,他现在还养成了一种看课外书的习惯。
  3. In other words, DNA is an intelligent system, and the evolution of being is not planless, at least not planless at all. 也就是说,DNA是一种智力系统,生物进化不是漫无目的的,或者至少不全是漫无目的的;
  4. But it would never occur to anyone to call their method planless and irrational. 但谁都不会想到称他们的方法是无计划无理性的。
  5. Why should evolution, exactly as Darwin knew it and described it, be planless and irrational? 为什么物种的进化,应该和达尔文知道、描写的完全一致,应该是无计划、无理性的?
  6. With the actively regulated various position resposibility and the enchanment of each depart cooperation, our company is different the planless production and sale limitation to the pass. 半年来在积极规范各个岗位职责以来,各个部门加强配合,公司改变了以往生产的无计划性和销售的局限性。