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2024-01-31 15:56:17
美  英
adj.  普莱诺[美国得克萨斯州东北部城市].
sp.  (透镜)平的


  1. a city in northeastern Texas (suburb of Dallas)


  1. Holiday Inn Express N. Plano : Book Direct. Click Here. 现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!
  2. Holiday Inn Express Plano : Book Direct. Click Here. 现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!
  3. The television set is seen in a patients room at the Baylor Regional Medical Center in Plano, Texas. 在Baylor地区医疗中心的病房里,还有为病人安装的电视。
  4. A man walks past giant art work in a hallway at the Baylor Regional Medical Center in Plano, Texas. 一名男子穿过Baylor地区医疗中心用艺术品装饰的走廊。
  5. If youd like to build a nest egg with your paycheck, it may be time to give up New York and head for Plano, Texas. 如果你想用薪水建立一笔储蓄金,那或许该是时候放弃纽约,前往德州布兰诺市打拼。
  6. In Plano, TX, modern business practices are juxtaposed against early American entrepreneurs. 全书对此观点作了细致精辟的分析和论述。