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2024-01-31 16:32:17
美[plæzmətrɒn]  英[plæzmətrɒn]
n.  等离子管(等离子体电焊机)


  1. Plasmatron is a transformer in which plasma serves as a secondary coil. 该等离子体发生器是一种以等离子体作为二次线圈的变压器。
  2. The transformer plasmatron can be employed as a gas heater, as well as plasma chemical reactor. 变压器等离子体发生器可作为煤气炉和等离子化学反应器。
  3. Take it to the discotheque, rock out to some hip-type beats and watch your plasmatron spring to life in time to the ‘music’. 把它带去迪斯科舞厅吧,随着节奏感的音乐尽情摆动身体,你的等离子体反应器也会及时地“随乐起舞”哦。
  4. Methods The concentration of thirty-one elements in 43 teeth was measured by plasmatron spectrographic analysis and fluoride selective electrode. 方法用等离子发射光谱分析和氟电极法,测定31种元素在43颗不同着色程度的离体牙釉质中的含量。
  5. E.J.Tully, J.B.Heywood, “Lean-burn characteristics of a gasoline engine enriched with hydrogen from a plasmatron fuel reformer,” SAE paper no. 2003-01-0630, 2003. 陈厚良,“替代性燃油-汽醇对机车引擎排放特性之研究”,硕士论文,屏东科技大学环境工程与科学系,2004年6月。
  6. plasmatron sputtering 等离子体管散射