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2024-01-31 16:37:17
美[ˌplæzmədezmə]  英[plæzməʊdezmə]
n.  [植]胞间连丝
sp.  =plasmodesm.
  异体字:plasmodesm  名词复数:plasmodesmata


  1. Major components of a plasmodesma (PD) include a plasma membrane, a desmotubule, and a cytoplasmic annulus, all of which are readily detectable by electron microscopy. 胞间连丝的主要构成部分是细胞质膜、连丝小管、以及位于二者之间的环层细胞质。
  2. Fig.13 Thin section of Lycopersicum esculentum leaf cell infected with CMV,showing virus particles in the plasmodesma(arrow); 图13番茄叶肉细胞中的黄瓜花叶病毒,示病毒粒子处在胞间连丝中(箭头);
  3. (2) "neck type" plasmodesmata, e.g. both ends of the ER-contained plasmodesma appeared to be constricted, showing a "neck region", and even forming an "abdomen" phenomenon; (2)"颈型"胞间连丝,即包含ER的胞间连丝的两端发生收缩,显示一种"颈"现象,甚至在中段形成一种"腹部"现象;
  4. plasmodesma, plasmodesmata 胞间连丝