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2024-01-31 16:56:16
美[plæstɪsɪsə]  英[plæstɪsɪsə]
n.  增塑剂


  1. a substance added to plastics or other materials to make them more pliable


  1. A 72 Shore D, plasticiser free, high performance resin for extrusion. 硬度72D高性能树脂挤压。
  2. A 47 nom.Shore D, non-discoloring stabilizer, plasticiser free resin for injection molding and extrusion. 硬度47D含不脱色剂,注塑成型和挤出。
  3. An ester plasticiser is preparred by mono-fatty alcohol andfumaric acid which are from the mixing fatty alcohol. 以混合脂肪醇分离所得的单脂肪醇与延胡索酸合成了酯类内增塑剂。
  4. Film former containing resin and plasticiser with no solvents that forms a tough resistant thermoplastic coating. 一种含有树脂和无溶剂增塑剂的涂膜而形成的高韧性热塑性涂料。
  5. A 47 nom.Shore D, heat stable, plasticiser free resin for injection molding and extrusion. 硬度47D热稳定, 注塑成型和挤出。
  6. An 82 nom.Shore D, non-discoloring stabilizer, plasticiser free resin for injection molding and extrusion. 硬度 82D不脱色剂,树脂注塑成型和挤出。