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2024-01-31 17:45:16
美[pleɪtənɪst]  英[pleɪtənɪst]
n.  柏拉图学派的人


  1. an advocate of Platonism


  1. The Platonist may become aware of realizations of his ideas and concepts. 柏拉图派的人可能知道他的理论和概念的实现方法。
  2. But a Platonist cannot help but wonder why it could not have been different. 可是一个柏拉图的信徒却无法不质疑,为什麽它不可以不同?
  3. In one sense, a Platonist is simply a person who knows more than most people know about Plato. 从一种意义上说,一个柏拉图主义者只是一个比大多数人更了解柏拉图的人。
  4. For instance the sharp-witted men, Charax and Demetrius the Platonist and Eudaemon, and any one else like them. 比方说这些机敏的人:查拉克斯、柏拉图主义者、迪米特里厄斯,还有尤德蒙及别的类似于他们的人。
  5. A Christian Platonist, he shared Origens hope for ultimate universal salvation. 人的物质性是人类始祖犯罪堕落的结果,希望最后普世人类获得救恩。
  6. He certainly did not plunder Yukos and has nothing to fear from Platon Lebedev or myself. 他显然没有窃取尤科斯公司的资产,对我和列别德夫,他也不用担心。”