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2024-01-31 18:42:16
美[pleɪraɪt]  英[pleɪraɪt]
vt.  把 ... 写成剧本


  1. Involving himself in the Liberation War at the age of 16 in literary and art work, later as editor and playwrite. 16岁投身解放战争,作文艺工作,后作编辑、编剧。
  2. My favorite movie,first,have a good playwrite,then a good director,and the music beautifully ,at last the players. 我喜欢的电影;首先是编剧好;然后是导演好;接着是配乐好;最后才是演员好.
  3. Colonel feels very impracticable, playwrite says: "Never mind, this writes two ending. 团长感到很难办,编剧说:“不要紧,这写两个结尾。
  4. Colonel turns urgently all round, playwrite whispered to him a few, the show began. 团长急得团团转,编剧对他附耳低语了几句,演出就开始了。
  5. He thinks the playwrite of demon animal, plan, game is spent evenly etc those who do is the world top-ranking. 他认为魔兽的编剧、策划、游戏平衡度等做的都是世界一流。
  6. Homebred big director, actor, photograph top-ranking like the world, only alone playwrite is weak sports, prop up without good story. 国产大片导演、演员、摄像世界一流,唯独编剧是弱项,没有好故事支撑。”