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2024-01-31 18:43:17
美[pleɪraɪtə(r)]  英[pleɪraɪtə(r)]
n.  剧作家


  1. The play is written by a well-known playwriter. 这出戏是由一名著名的剧作者写的。
  2. Hes now a playwriter and director of TV programs. 现为电视节目编导。
  3. Shakespeare made his mark as a playwright(or playwriter). 莎士比亚作为一个剧作家享有盛誉.
  4. In her book she considers Shakespeare (as) a playwriter and (as) a poet. 她在自己的书中把莎士比亚当作剧作家和诗人。
  5. Sometime the novel writer will be self-partial, then the director and the playwriter nearby may express the impatience. 有的时候就会任性起来在那头意识流的写很长,很多,这时感到旁边的导演和编剧大人不耐烦起来了。
  6. As a director and a good playwriter, they need to cut the material on the base of the novel according to their own understanding. 可是一个导演,一个好的编剧,就是在小说既有的素材上,开始裁剪成一个按照自己的想法的作品。