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2024-01-31 19:17:17
美[pledʒ]  英[pledʒ]
vt.  发誓;保证;以 ... 抵押;向 ... 祝酒
n.  保证;抵押;誓言;抵押品
  过去式:pledged  过去分词:pledged  现在分词:pledging  第三人称单数:pledges


  1. 保证,证明
  2. 誓约,诺言,誓言
  3. 抵押,典当
  4. 信物
  5. 祝酒
  6. 抵押品
  7. 立誓加入秘密社团的人
  8. 祝愿
  9. 戒酒誓愿,戒酒的誓约
  10. 干杯
  11. 公约
  12. 宣誓入会者
  13. 【律】抵押权
  14. 表示
  15. “信约”(是美国制造的扫雷舰)
  1. (使)发誓,许诺,正式承诺
  2. 保证给予
  3. (使)保证
  4. 向…祝酒,为…祝愿 ,为...干杯,举杯祝…健康
  5. 使入会(作后补会员),使承诺入会
  6. 誓守
  7. 海誓山盟
  8. 用…抵押,以…典押
  9. 典当,抵押
  10. 宣誓参加美国大学生联谊会
  11. 以誓言约束


  1. [C]保证; 誓言 a solemn promise or agreement; vow
  2. [C]信物 thing given to sb as a sign of friendship, love, etc.
  3. [C]抵押品 sth valuable left sb else as proof that one will fulfil an agreement
  1. vt. & vi. 保证,许诺 give as security
  2. vt. & vi. 发誓 put in pawn; promise solemnly by pledge of


  1. a deposit of personal property as security for a debt;

    "his saxophone was in pledge"

  2. someone accepted for membership but not yet fully admitted to the group
  3. a drink in honor of or to the health of a person or event
  4. a binding commitment to do or give or refrain from something;

    "an assurance of help when needed" "signed a pledge never to reveal the secret"

  1. promise solemnly and formally;

    "I pledge that I will honor my wife"

  2. pay (an amount of money) as a contribution to a charity or service, especially at regular intervals;

    "I pledged $10 a month to my favorite radio station"

  3. propose a toast to;

    "Let us toast the birthday girl!" "Lets drink to the New Year"

  4. give as a guarantee;

    "I pledge my honor"

  5. bind or secure by a pledge;

    "I was pledged to silence"


  1. break〔keep〕 ones pledge违背〔遵守〕誓言
  2. carry out〔fulfill〕 ones pledge履行诺言
  3. give〔make〕 a pledge保证
  4. take a pledge发誓
  1. solemn pledge庄严保证
  2. written pledge书面保证
  1. campaign pledge竞选誓言
  2. election pledge竞选诺言
  1. in pledge在抵押中,以…作抵押
  2. on sbs pledge of honor以…的名誉担保
  3. take sth out of pledge赎回某物
  4. give sth to〔in〕 pledge抵押,典当
  5. under no pledge不受任何保证的约束
  1. pledge before在…面前发誓
  2. pledge for为…担保
  3. pledge to立誓
  1. pledge honour以名誉作担保
  2. pledge support答应提供支援
  3. pledge watch以表作抵押
  1. pledge enthusiastically热情地担保
  2. pledge solemnly正式担保
  3. pledge tenderly亲切地保证


  1. They pledged never to tell the secret.他们发誓决不泄密。
  2. We all had to pledge allegiance to the flag.我们大家都得发誓忠于这面旗帜。
  3. She pledged her support to us.她保证支持我们。
  4. I pledge myself to fulfil the promise I have made.我保证实践自己的诺言。
  5. I think hed pledged his fixed assets.我认为他抵押了他的固定资产。
  6. Many people came to pledge the bride and bridegroom.许多人过来向新娘和新郎祝酒.
  1. And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall march ahead.当我们行动时,我们必须保证勇往直前。
  2. She left her watch as a pledge with the taxi-diver.她把手表押在出租汽车司机那儿了。
  3. You are under pledge of secrecy.你已发过誓要保密。
  4. Ill die rather than forfeit my pledge to her.我宁可死也不愿背弃我对她的誓言。
  5. She left her watch as a pledge with the taxi-diver.她把手表押在出租汽车司机那儿了。
  6. Take this ring as a pledge of friendship.将这只戒指拿去作为友谊的信物吧。


    pledge用作名词的基本意思是“保证,誓言”,也可作“信物”“抵押品”解,其后可接介词短语或动词不定式作定语,也可接that从句作同位语,从句中的谓语用虚拟语气, that有时可省略。
    pledge的基本含义是“保证”“许诺”,指许诺做、给予或接受某事或某物,常用于表示以行动或言语作出庄严、正式的担保,如答应资助等。有时可译为“发誓”。pledge引申还可指“祝某人健康”。 pledge可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词、动词不定式或由that引导的从句作宾语。还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。有时还可以接动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。