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2024-01-31 19:41:17
美[ˌplenətjuːdənəs]  英[plenɪtjuːdɪnəs]
adj.  充分的(充足的)


  1. We have won plenitudinous entrust of domestic and oversea clients by scientific-normative management system and passionate-judgmatical service spirit. 公司科学规范的管理制度和热情周到的服务精神赢得了广大国内外客户的充分信赖。
  2. Our company have plenitudinous supply of goods and perfect materials circulation, welcome to contact us if you need krafts. 公司有充足的货源和完善的物流系统,欢迎需要用牛皮纸的厂家与司联系。
  3. SUNSUN arowana aquairums with fashion appearance. The plenitudinous illumination system and the advanced bottom filter system ensure the water in the best condition to fit the growth of arowana. 森森牌新款龙鱼缸系列,外观时尚大方,充足的光照系统和先进的底部过滤系统,确保水质处于最佳状态以更适合龙鱼生长。
  4. From 4S in 1994 to IDEAL in 2005, 11 years of lots of randomized controlled clinical trials revealed plenitudinous evidence of the effectiveness and safety of lipid lowering with statins. 围绕着这个问题,开展了大量的大样本随机对照试验。从4S到IDEAL等他汀类药物的大规模随机对照临床试验研究中,可以看到他汀类降脂治疗在冠心病二级预防中的循证历程。
  5. New HFC Networks has plenitudinous bandwidth.In this network voice data need not to be compressed and New IP phone has many advantages like more simple structure, lower cost and better timbre. 新型HFC网络带宽富余,在这样的网络中话音数据无需压缩,相应的IP电话结构简单、成本低、音质好。
  6. From analysis of heating and refrigeration using sewage of town, how to plenitudinous and rational using energy source are discussed. The method of the logical valuing energy-conseration is provided. 通过对城市污水处理厂利用污水供热制冷原理的分析,讨论如何合理利用能源,并提出合理评价系统节能程度的方式。