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2024-01-31 20:21:16
美[pleksəˌfɔːm]  英[pleksɪfɔːm]
adj.  [解](血管、淋巴管、神经等)丛状的


  1. The plexiform layers of the retina. 视网膜丛状的层
  2. The outer plexiform layer (OPL) first comes into existence at PD5. 5日龄时,外网层开始出现;
  3. Glia cells have been developed.Some thin myelin sheaths were observed in outer plexiform layer. 胶质细胞已发生,外网状层中有薄薄的髓鞘出现。
  4. Do plexiform neurofibromas ever become cancerous? They can become cancerous, but this is rare. 丛状纤维瘤会变成癌症吗?会,但机会很小。
  5. How common are they? Plexiform neurofibromas occur in about 15 percent of people with NF1. 丛状纤维瘤的发生率有多普遍?第一型神经纤维瘤的病友有15%25的发生率。
  6. Abstract In light adaptation, zinc was preponderantly present in the outer plexiform layer (OPL). 摘要 明适应条件下,鲫鱼视网膜外网层、部分光感受器、双极细胞、无长突细胞以及神经节细胞胞体锌离子着色明显。