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2024-01-31 21:04:17
美[plaʊ]  英[plaʊ]
v.  用犁耕田;耕犁;开(路)
n.  犁;耕地;铲雪机


  1. 犁(田),耕(地),翻(土)
  2. 适于耕种
  3. 开(沟),作(畦)
  4. 【木工】挖沟(槽)
  5. 开路
  6. 分开积雪等前进钻研
  7. 使(额头)起皱
  8. 刻苦前进,艰苦前进
  9. 自耕孤畴
  10. 犁埋
  11. 使秸秆还田
  12. 把(利润)再投资
  13. 把(大批资金)投入, 大量投资于
  14. 用犁耕田
  15. 破浪前进
  1. 耕地,耕作
  2. 犁形器具
  3. 排雪机
  4. 【矿】煤犁
  5. 刨煤机
  6. 【建】路犁
  7. 沟刨
  8. 【印】手动式切书机
  9. 农业
  10. 【天】北斗七星,大熊星座
  11. 不及格
  12. 楔形
  13. 土地
  1. <英>=plow


  1. [C]犁 a farming tool with a heavy cutting blade for breaking up and turning over the earth in fields, especially so that seeds can be planted
  1. vt. & vi. 用犁耕田; 耕 turn over the earth with a plough
  2. vt. & vi. 开路; 破浪前进; 艰苦前进 force a way or make a track


  1. a group of seven bright stars in the constellation Ursa Major
  2. a farm tool having one or more heavy blades to break the soil and cut a furrow prior to sowing
  1. move in a way resembling that of a plow cutting into or going through the soil;

    "The ship plowed through the water"

  2. to break and turn over earth especially with a plow;

    "Farmer Jones plowed his east field last week" "turn the earth in the Spring"


  1. beat plough种田
  2. drive plough驾犁
  3. follow plough务农
  4. hold plough扶犁
  5. pull plough拉犁
  1. at plough在田中
  2. under plough在耕作下
  1. plough the field耕田
  2. plough the waves破浪前进
  1. plough annually每年一次地犁耕
  2. plough deeply深深地犁耕
  3. plough discreetly小心地犁耕
  4. plough extensively广泛地犁耕
  5. plough incessantly不断地犁耕
  6. plough laboriously努力地犁耕
  7. plough particularly特殊地犁耕
  8. plough purposefully有目的地犁耕
  9. plough quickly快速地破浪前进
  10. plough back把…再投资
  11. plough down犁倒,把…犁入土中
  12. plough in用犁翻入土中
  13. plough out用犁翻出
  14. plough out weeds犁掉杂草
  15. plough under用犁将某物埋入土中
  16. plough up ground翻耕
  17. plough up roots用犁翻根
  1. plough in home garden在庭园中翻耕
  2. plough through mud在泥泞中跋涉
  3. plough with wrinkles布满皱纹


  1. Peasants can only plough the land plot by plot.农民犁田只能一块一块地犁。
  2. The ground was ploughed and planted with corn.地翻耕后种上了玉米。
  3. We have to plough out the weeds.我们得犁掉杂草。
  4. The tractors will plough on throughout the night.拖拉机整个晚上都在犁地。
  5. They began to plough around among the delegations.他们开始在代表团中进行试探。
  6. We ploughed our way through the crowd.我们用力从人群中挤过去。
  1. The farmer is at the plough.那个农民在种田。
  2. He has a very large acreage under the plough.他有很大面积的耕地。
  3. After a really big snow last night,we had to use ploughs to clear up the snow on the road this morning.由于昨晚下了一场大雪,今天早上我们不得不用铲雪机清理路上的积雪。


    plough用作可数名词时的意思是“犁”,指农民用于翻地,以利于耕种的一种工具或机器。引申可指“耕地”的行为,是不可数名词。 plough是英式拼法,美式拼法为plow。
    plough用作动词时意思是“耕地”,多指农民们为了更好的收获而犁田。引申可表示为“开沟”“挖槽”“开路”“破浪前进”等,用于比喻可指“使…起皱纹”。 plough可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,用作不及物动词时,主动形式往往含有被动意义。 plough是英式拼法,美式拼法为plow。