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2024-01-31 21:50:17
美[plʌmbɪzəm]  英[plʌmbɪzəm]
n.  铅中毒


  1. toxic condition produced by the absorption of excessive lead into the system


  1. Lead poisoning( or plumbism ): Poisoning by accumulation of lead in the body. 铅中毒:铅在体内积累引起的中毒。
  2. Analysis of factors associated with plumbism in chidlren in Aojiang Reaches. 儿童;铅中毒;环境因素,,儿童;铅中毒;环境因素,1对象与方法,2结果,3讨论,参考文献:
  3. This paper has a simple discussion about the mechanism,symptoms,diagnosis,nosogenesis and preventive measures of occupational plumbism. 该文主要针对职业性铅中毒,从作用机制、症状、诊断、致病原因以及预防措施等几个方面对其进行了简单的论述。
  4. At the same time, it is considered in Chinese traditional medicine that goose meat can nourish Yin, boost Qi, warm stomach, produce saliva and relieve Plumbism. 同时,中医认为,鹅肉补阴益气,暖胃生津和缓解铅毒之功效。
  5. Clinical diagnosis and prevent of cheeper plumbism 婴幼儿铅中毒的临床诊断与预防
  6. Avoid Plumbism with a Healthy Diet 以食克铅