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2024-01-31 22:00:16
美[pluːmoʊs]  英[pluːməʊs]
adj.  有羽毛的;羽毛状的
  副词:plumosely  名词:plumosity


  1. having an ornamental plume or feathery tuft


  1. Ovary clavate;stigmas short, plumose. 子房棍棒状柱头短,羽状。
  2. Fruit style sparsely plumose to glabrous. 果球羽毛绒状或者光洁。
  3. This species is easily recognized by its shortly plumose awn, spinulose lemma apex, and hairy basal sheaths. 本种无疑是通过它的短羽状的芒,具微刺的外稃先端和有毛的基部的鞘的承认。
  4. Leave 1-pinnate, (3--)5-foliolate; sepals adaxially puberulous; persistent white plumose. 离开1回羽状,(3-)具5小叶;正面的萼片被微柔毛;宿存白色羽状。(2
  5. Inflorescence a panicle, loosely contracted to dense and spikelike, often plumose, branches usually whorled, bearing numerous spikelets. 花序圆锥花序,对紧密和穗状松弛收缩,羽状的通常,通常轮生的分枝,着生多数。
  6. Plumose fracture and orientation of dislocation was applied to find out whether sharp angle zone or obtuse angle zone between two groups of conjugate joints was compressive zone. 采用共轭剪节理和断层面产状、擦痕侧伏角及移位符号综合确定主应力轴,并指出两组共轭剪节理所夹钝角压也可能为压缩区,其判别方法采用羽裂判断法和位错方向判断法。