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2024-01-31 22:13:16
美[plʌndʒ]  英[plʌndʒ]
v.  使投入;跳入;栽进;下降,急降,突降
n.  投入;跳入
  过去式:plunged  过去分词:plunged  现在分词:plunging  第三人称单数:plunges


  1. 颠簸,前后颠簸
  2. 陡峭地下倾
  3. 使突然前倾,使突然前冲
  4. 开得很低
  5. 跳进,掉进,钻进,插进,扔进
  6. (使)投入,(使)陷入
  7. 冲,猛烈前冲
  8. 不顾前后地干起来
  9. 浸入
  10. 使遭受
  11. 使埋头...,使投身
  12. 下降,急降,突降,暴跌,骤降
  13. 跃起后蹄倒竖起来
  14. 将…插入, 将…刺进
  15. 投,跳,陷
  1. 猛冲
  2. 跳进,跳入,冲进
  3. 突然开始
  4. 开始从事
  5. 颠簸
  6. 插进
  7. 蛮干,冒险
  8. 断然手段
  9. 投机
  10. 赌博
  11. 为难,困难
  12. 大雨
  13. 猛跌,骤降, 骤减
  14. 跳水
  15. 突然跌落
  16. 突然分离


  1. vi. 颠簸 thrust its bows into the water
  2. vt. 使陷入 put into, put or go suddenly and with force
  1. [S]投入,跳入; 猛冲 an act of plunging, especially head first into water
  2. [S]猛跌,骤降 a steep fall


  1. a brief swim in water
  2. a steep and rapid fall
  1. thrust or throw into;

    "Immerse yourself in hot water"

  2. drop steeply;

    "the stock market plunged"

  3. dash violently or with great speed or impetuosity;

    "She plunged at it eagerly"

  4. begin with vigor;

    "He launched into a long diatribe" "She plunged into a dangerous adventure"

  5. cause to be immersed;

    "The professor plunged his students into the study of the Italian text"

  6. fall abruptly;

    "It plunged to the bottom of the well"

  7. immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate;

    "dip the garment into the cleaning solution" "dip the brush into the paint"

  8. devote (oneself) fully to;

    "He immersed himself into his studies"


  1. plunge authoritatively可靠地投入
  2. plunge boldly勇敢地跳入
  3. plunge conventionally按常规投入
  4. plunge daringly大胆地投入
  5. plunge desperately毫无顾忌地投入
  6. plunge fiercely激烈地投入
  7. plunge heavily重重地投入
  8. plunge ignominiously不光彩地投入
  9. plunge impetuously急躁地投入
  10. plunge inescapably不可避免地投入
  11. plunge mysteriously神秘地投入
  12. plunge noiselessly悄悄地投入
  13. plunge officially正式地投入
  14. plunge passively消极投入
  15. plunge prematurely过早地投入
  16. plunge quickly快速地投入
  17. plunge recklessly不顾后果地投入
  18. plunge resolutely果断地投入
  19. plunge scientifically科学地投入
  20. plunge superficially表面上投入
  21. plunge symbolically象征性地投入
  22. plunge thoughtlessly轻率地投入
  23. plunge unaccountably莫名其妙地投入
  24. plunge uselessly没必要地投入
  25. plunge violently猛烈地投入
  26. plunge voluntarily自愿地投入
  27. plunge whole-heartedly全心全意地投入
  28. plunge wildly粗野地投入
  1. plunge in debt债台高筑
  2. plunge into action立即投入行动
  3. plunge into darkness陷入黑暗中
  4. plunge into the sea跳入大海
  5. plunge into the water跳入水中
  6. plunge through a fence穿过篱笆
  7. plunge to death死
  8. plunge under fire在炮火中前进


  1. She was about to plunge into something.她就要采取什么行动了。
  2. Dont plunge head first into another persons room.别冒冒失失地撞进别人的房间。
  3. The sudden jolt plunged her forward.突然颠了一下,她向前打了个趔趄。
  4. I waved my dog to plunge into the water.我挥手示意我的狗跳入水中。
  5. He made a headlong plunge into the river.他一头栽进河里。
  1. So why not take the plunge and have it over?你为什么不鼓起勇气把这事赶紧解决了呢?
  2. I waved my dog to plunge into the water.我挥手示意我的狗跳入水中。


    plunge的基本意思是“颠簸”,原指船在海浪上行驶的状态,现多指自身主动或被人投入深水中,强调投入时的力量。可用于表示深深下降的过程,也可用于表示“浸没”的状态,在外力作用下的“浸入”,引申可表示为“使陷入”“使卷入”等。 plunge既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。