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2024-01-31 22:21:17
美[plʊrəlɪst]  英[plʊərəlɪst]
n.  [基]兼管数个教堂者;兼职者;[哲]多元论者
  形容词:pluralistic  副词:pluralistically


  1. 【哲】多元论者
  2. 兼职者
  3. 兼任数个宗教职位者
  4. 多元主义者(认为社会中不同群体可以有益地和平共处的人)
  5. 兼任神职者
  6. 【基督教】兼管数个教堂者
  1. 多元主义的
  2. 多元论的
  3. 多元化的


  1. a cleric who holds more than one benefice at a time
  2. a philosopher who believes that no single explanation can account for all the phenomena of nature
  3. someone who believes that distinct ethnic or cultural or religious groups can exist together in society


  1. The offices or benefices held by a pluralist. 兼任,兼任的圣职由一名兼任者担任的职务或圣职
  2. Pluralism: Pluralist parties allow all religions in a country. 多元论:多元论政党同意所有宗教在国内的传播。
  3. The Eastern Industrial Park oriented at Environment-protection, Modernization, and Pluralist development. 东莞东部工业园定位在:生态化、现代化、多元化。
  4. It will be a new way and new idea to explore the entity city of Beijing and pluralist culture of Beijing. 只有将中文文献和外文文献综合对照来研究,才能得出“完整北京城”和“多元北京文化”的概念认识,开拓和深化北京研究的新途径和新理念。
  5. The tradition of critical rational inquiry is itself a basic assumption of a liberal pluralist society. 多元化民主社会之基本条件是拥有批判理性的传统。
  6. Dales pluralist democracy with plural factors makes the image of democracy clearer and clearer. 达尔的多元主义民主通过多元因子的协同作用,使民主的影像越来越清晰。