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2024-01-31 22:33:16
美  英
n.  希腊的历史家


  1. Greek biographer who wrote Parallel Lives (46?-120 AD)


  1. But Plutarch emphasized that the pneuma was only a trigger. 不过普鲁塔克强调,灵气只是个触发物;
  2. On the day Cleopatra died, Plutarch recalls this sequence of events. 普卢塔克古是这样记录事件的经过的。
  3. Plutarch also recorded a number of physical characteristics about the pneuma. 普鲁塔克还记录了灵气的一些物理性质。
  4. Greek author Plutarch: What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality. 希腊作家布鲁达克的这句话:我们内心的所得,将改变外界的现实。
  5. Plutarch suggests Cleopatra killed herself by smuggling in an deadly snake hidden in a basket affix. Plutarch说克利奥帕特拉是用一条藏在篮子里的被人偷带进王宫的毒蛇自尽的。
  6. Plutarch tells of a pitiful scene that occurred at Philips marriage to Cleopatra. 普卢塔克曾谈过菲力浦和克里奥帕特腊结婚时发生的一个可憾的场面。