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2024-01-31 22:38:16
美[pluːtɑːkrəsi]  英[pluːtɒkrəsi]
n.  富豪或财阀统治;富豪或财阀统治的国家;富豪阶级
  形容词:plutocratic  副词:plutocratically  名词:plutocrat  名词复数:plutocracies


  1. a political system governed by the wealthy people


  1. Newspapers are the organs of plutocracy. 报纸是富人的喉舌。
  2. The most prolific of the debunkers of the plutocracy was Gustavus Myers. 揭发富豪统治集团的作家中,最多产的是古斯塔夫斯·迈尔斯。
  3. Further, it will hasten the demise of Chinas remaining state-owned industries and the creation of a plutocracy. 再者,该法将催促中国剩余的国有资产缩水,催生财阀阶层。
  4. Where by design or accident, Britain has chosen to be the service center for the global plutocracy. 不知是出于精心策划还是纯属偶然,英国已经成为了全球财阀们的服务中心。
  5. If only millionaires can afford to run for office, we shall quickly become a plutocracy. 如果只有大富豪才负担得起公职的竞选,我们将很快变成富豪政治。
  6. The estate tax offers a modest counterweight against the development of a new plutocracy to rival the industrial barons of Americas Gilded Age. 不动产税提供了从新富豪势力发展到美国镀金时代工业大亨竞争之间一种适度的平衡。