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2024-01-31 22:39:17
美[pluːtəkræt]  英[pluːtəkræt]
n.  财阀,富豪


  1. someone who exercises power by virtue of wealth


  1. Do you wish to turn me into a plutocrat? 难道你想把我变成阔小姐吗?
  2. Most people accept that a dollar is worth more to a pauper than to a plutocrat. 一美元的价值对于乞丐,比对于富豪更高,这为大多数人所接受。
  3. He half-listens to the complaints of his decrepit fellow plutocrat, who -- poor fellow! -- is too rich to benefit from George Bushs tax cuts. 他正心不在焉地听着老朽的富翁同僚的抱怨,这位同僚--可怜的家伙--太富有了,以至于无法从布什的减税政策中受益。
  4. Han Min kernel most treasures son Li Min Xiu is the typical plutocrat 2 th concurrently scandal manufacturer. 韩敏仁最宝贝的儿子李民秀是典型的财阀2世兼绯闻制造者。
  5. But the get away in this Korea big plutocrat has not traded completely from interior and administering scandal, met bribery scandal again. 但这位韩国大财阀还没完全从内部生意和治理丑闻中抽身,就又赶上了行贿丑闻。
  6. He half-listens to the complaints of his decrepit fellow plutocrat , who -- poor fellow! -- is too rich to benefit from George Bushs tax cuts. 他正心不在焉地听着老朽的富翁同僚的抱怨,这位同僚--可怜的家伙--太富有了,以至于无法从布什的减税政策中受益。