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2024-01-31 22:47:16
美[pluːtənɪzəm]  英[pluːtənɪzm]
n.  火成论(钚射线伤害)


  1. The Penshan granitic body is a calc-alkaline pluton composed of muscovite alkali granite, two-mica alkali feldspar granite and biotite adamellite. 彭山岩体是由白云母碱长花岗岩、云母碱长花岗岩和黑云母二长花岗岩组成的钙碱性花岗复式岩体。
  2. Yu Jianhua, Zhang Fenglan, Fu Huiqin, et al. 1994.The Plutonism of Beijing Area[M].Beijing: Geological Publishing House, 196(in Chinese). 北京市地质矿产局.;1991
  3. The deposit is hosted in the porphyritic monzogranite and breccia unit of Heyu composite granitic pluton. 该钼矿床产于合峪复式花岗岩体及隐爆角砾岩中。
  4. At eighteen he won the Prix de Rome;at thirty he exhibited his Pluton tenant Cerbere enchaint (now in the Louvre). 从学于雷莫耶*,并去意大利留学过四五年,归国后,受到路易十五世的情妇特.;巴丽夫人的重用。
  5. The Shuanghe pluton is S-type granite and formed in the zone of the intercontinental collision. 双合岩体形成于板块碰撞同期,属S型花岗岩;
  6. The Mayihe pluton,located in southern Jilin Province,consists mainly of gabbro-diorite,granidiorite,and monzogranite. 蚂蚁河岩体主要由辉长闪长岩-花岗闪长岩-二长花岗岩构成。