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2024-01-31 23:33:17
美[ˌnjuːməgæstrɪk]  英[ˌnjuːməgæstrɪk]
adj.  肺和胃的;迷走神经的


  1. a mixed nerve that supplies the pharynx and larynx and lungs and heart and esophagus and stomach and most of the abdominal viscera
  1. of or relating to the vagus nerve
  2. of or relating to or involving the lungs and stomach


  1. MB leads little changes of hemodynamics due to inhibit cardiac sympathicotonia and pneumogastric nerve simultaneity, but TEB brings the evident changes due to only inhibit pneumogastric nerve. 纵隔阻滞与硬膜外阻滞相比,硬膜外阻滞抑制交感神经,引起明显血流动力学变化,而纵隔阻滞同时抑制心交感和心迷走神经,不引起明显血流动力学变化。
  2. Results: Gastroplegia was caused by many factors especially age,surgical trauma,cutting of pneumogastric nerve,electrolyte disturbances,pain and psychological factor after the surgery. 结果:胃癌根治术后发生胃瘫的原因与年龄、手术创伤、手术操作不当、支配胃的迷走神经被切断、术后镇痛、精神心理因素、电解质紊乱等相关。
  3. a pneumogastric ganglion 气胃神经节
  4. Pneumogastric nerves 迷走神经
  5. pneumogastric ganglion 气胃神经节
  6. Injury of pneumogastric nerve 迷走神经损伤