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2024-01-31 23:56:17
美[pɑːkɪt]  英[pɒkɪt]
n.  口袋;袋子;球袋;钱;小块地方;在...掌握之中;保障金
adj.  小型的;孤立的;局部的
v.  装…在口袋里;私吞;击(球)落袋
  形容词:pocketable  过去式:pocketed  过去分词:pocketed  现在分词:pocketing  第三人称单数:pockets


  1. 钱袋,衣袋,口袋,小袋
  2. 【撞球】球囊,球袋
  3. 钱,财力,金钱,财富,资力
  4. 小块地区
  5. 气穴,气阱
  6. 【矿】矿囊
  7. 贮藏器,容器,囊
  8. 一袋
  9. 【军】袋形阵地(中的部队)
  10. 零用钱
  1. 小型的,袖珍的
  2. 钱的
  3. 零星花用的
  4. 局部的;孤立的
  5. 紧凑的;压缩的
  6. 秘密的
  7. 可放在衣袋内的
  8. 不普遍的
  1. 抑制;忍受
  2. 侵吞;盗用;揩油;中饱私囊;私吞;攫取
  3. 把…装入(衣)袋内
  4. 击(球)落袋
  5. 阻挠
  6. 藏住,隐藏
  7. 挣,赚下
  8. 搁置
  9. 包藏;封入
  10. 形成(小袋)


  1. [C]袋,口袋 a small flat cloth bag sewn into or onto a garment, for keeping small articles in
  1. vt. 把…装入袋内 put into ones pocket
  2. vt. 侵吞,盗用 take (money or sth small) for ones own use, especially dishonestly
  1. [A]袖珍的,小型的 small enough to be carried in pocket; smaller than the usual size


  1. a small pouch inside a garment for carrying small articles
  2. an enclosed space;

    "the trapped miners found a pocket of air"

  3. a supply of money;

    "they dipped into the taxpayers pockets"

  4. (bowling) the space between the headpin and the pins behind it on the right or left;

    "the ball hit the pocket and gave him a perfect strike"

  5. a hollow concave shape made by removing something
  6. a local region of low pressure or descending air that causes a plane to lose height suddenly
  7. a small isolated group of people;

    "they were concentrated in pockets inside the city" "the battle was won except for cleaning up pockets of resistance"

  8. (anatomy) saclike structure in any of various animals (as a marsupial or gopher or pelican)
  9. an opening at the corner or on the side of a billiard table into which billiard balls are struck
  1. put in ones pocket;

    "He pocketed the change"

  2. take unlawfully


  1. button pocket扣上衣袋
  2. draw from pocket取自口袋中
  3. fill pocket装满口袋
  4. line pocket(以非法手段)中饱私囊
  5. pick pocket扒窃
  6. search pocket搜口袋
  7. turn out pocket把口袋翻过来,把口袋里的东西全倒出来
  1. back pocket后衣袋
  2. deep pocket富人,有钱人,财富
  3. empty pocket两手空空的人,穷光蛋
  4. inside pocket衣服里面的口袋
  5. large pocket大口袋
  6. sagging pocket松垂的口袋
  7. small pocket小口袋
  8. well-filled pocket塞得满满的口袋
  1. air pocket气穴,(大气中使飞机突然下跌的)气井
  2. breast pocket胸前的口袋
  3. coat pocket上衣口袋
  4. shirt pocket衬衫口袋
  5. side pocket侧面的衣袋
  6. trousers pocket裤袋
  7. watch pocket表袋
  1. produce sth from pocket从衣袋中掏出某物
  2. in pocket手头有钱,挣钱
  3. conceal in pocket藏在口袋中
  4. fumble in pocket在口袋中摸索
  5. have sb in pocket操纵某人
  6. keep hands in pocket不做事,偷懒
  7. put hand in pocket花钱
  8. put pride in pocket忍辱
  9. put sth in pocket把…放入口袋
  10. dip hand into pocket把手伸进口袋
  11. thrust sth into pocket把某物塞进口袋里
  12. out of pocket手头无钱,花钱,失败
  13. take sth out of pocket把…从口袋中取出
  1. pocket battleship小型战列舰
  2. pocket book小笔记本
  3. pocket camera袖珍照相机
  4. pocket dictionary袖珍词典
  5. pocket money零花钱
  1. pocket boldly大胆地盗用
  2. pocket exclusively单独侵吞
  3. pocket falsely错误地侵吞
  4. pocket impressively大胆地侵吞
  5. pocket materially物质侵吞
  6. pocket secretly秘密地侵吞
  1. pocket in环绕


  1. He took a book out of his pocket.他从口袋里拿出一本书。
  2. You will find information about safety procedures in the pocket in front of you.在您座位前方的袋子里有安全措施须知。
  3. Hit the ball into one of the side pockets.把球打进其中一个侧边袋。
  4. The gem is beyond my pocket.这颗宝石我可买不起。
  5. We sat in a pocket of warmth by the fire.我们坐在火炉边一小块暖和的地方。
  6. Isnt the Government always in the pocket of Big Business?难道政府不是一直在控制着大企业?
  1. He always carries a pocket dictionary with him.他总是随身携带一本袖珍字典。
  1. He pocketed his wallet and car keys.他把钱包和汽车钥匙放进了衣袋里。
  2. He says it never crossed his mind to pocket the money.他说他从没有想过要把钱装进自己的腰包。
  3. I was aiming to pocket the billiards ball.我瞄准把撞球打进袋里。


    pocket的基本意思是“袋,口袋”,指衣服上用来装一些常会用到的小物品的口袋。引申可指“口袋里的钱财”“一小片,一小团”等。 “把手放在口袋里”要说in ones pocket,而不说in the pocket
    pocket用作动词时意思是“把…放入袋中”,指将某物从外界移到口袋中去,强调动作。引申可表示“赚得”“侵吞”“盗用”“抑制”等。 pocket多用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。
    pocket用作形容词时的意思是“袖珍的,小型的”,指某物在体积上小,能装在衣袋里。 pocket通常只用作定语,后接具体事物,无比较级和最高级形式。


  1. 他双手插入口袋站在那里。

    He was standing there with his hands in the pockets.

    He was standing there with his hands in his pockets.

    在表示“某人的手放在衣袋里”时, pocket前用物主代词,而不用定冠词。