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2024-02-01 00:21:16
美[pədaɪətri]  英[pədaɪətri]
n.  足病学
  形容词:podiatric  名词:podiatrist


  1. the branch of medicine concerned with the feet


  1. Covers podiatry treatment costs after referral from a GP. 支付由家庭医生介绍的足医师的费用。
  2. She has merged podiatry with Pilates for a more preventive approach. 她已经提出了预防性办法。
  3. China adopted retro style tea gardens; Podiatry, folk health is all alone, not single charge fees. 茶艺采复古中国庭园式风格;足疗、民俗保健全部是单间,不收取单间费用。
  4. Podiatry deals with the full range of biomechanical movement from the hips down or feet up including lower back pain. 其间经历了不断的发展变化,从过去将皮肤上的标志作为成人礼的水手、士兵到今天的摇滚歌星、名人。
  5. The pain was beginning to make me hobble and I was about to learn a new exotic word: podiatry. 疼痛开始让我步履蹒跚,我又学会了一个新的外来词:脚病学。
  6. One person thought podiatrists were, bum or bottom, specialists ? an unlikely kick up the pants for podiatry! 客服管理 包括客服权限的分配、客服分组、客服监控等功能,强大的客服管理功能。