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2024-02-01 00:30:16
美[pɒdˌzɔːl]  英[pɒdzɔːl]
n.  灰壤(灰化土)


  1. a soil that develops in temperate to cold moist climates under coniferous or heath vegetation; an organic mat over a grey leached layer


  1. In the podzol profile the coefficients reflected the marked horizon differentiation. 对灰化土剖面,系数反映了明显的层位分异。
  2. Where this layer is sufficiently impermeable to maintain the A horizon in a waterlogged condition, the soil is termed a gley podsol. 淋溶层B高度的不透性保持了淋溶层A处于浸水状况,这种土壤称为灰壤。
  3. Thus, treatment of a Russian Podzol Bh horizon with cold dilute HCI solution resulted in the dissolution of large quantities of FA. 所以,在用冷的稀HCI处理苏联灰壤Bh层时造成大量FA的溶失。
  4. The development of a podzol. 灰化土壤的发展
  5. The Application of Powdered Coal Ash in Podsol Subbase Construction of Pavement 粉煤灰在路面二灰土底基层施工中的应用
  6. In the podzol profile the coefficients reflected the marked horizon differentiation 对灰化土剖面,系数反映了明显的层位分异。