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2024-02-01 01:09:16
美[ˌpɔɪkəloʊθəmɪk]  英[ˌpɔɪkələʊθəmɪk]
adj.  [动]变温的;冷血的;冷血动物的
  异体字:poikilothermal  名词:poikilothermia


  1. of animals except birds and mammals; having body temperature that varies with the environment


  1. Cockroaches are also poikilothermic, or cold-blooded. 蟑螂是一种变温动物,也就是俗称的冷血动物。
  2. True fishes, those poikilothermic vertebrates breathing by gills throughout life and having limbes, if any, in the form of fins. 用来指出内文的真骨的鱼,鱼广义被应用于水生的动物例如鲸,甲壳动物与软体动物。
  3. Amphibians and reptiles are poikilothermic and quite sensitive to the change of ambient temperature.They adapt to environmental temperature by means of self-thermoregulation. 两栖类和爬行类属于变温脊椎动物,它对外界环境温度的变化非常敏感,借助自身体温调节以适应或抵抗这种变化。
  4. Unlike most terrestrial animals, aquatic animal species used for human consumption are poikilothermic, meaning their body temperatures vary according to ambient temperatures. 与大多数陆地动物不同,供人类消费的水生动物为冷血品种,也就是说它们的体温会根据环境温度而变化。
  5. ectotherm An organism with a body temperture determined by the environment; poikilotherm; cold-blooded. 外温动物体温随著外界环境温度而变化的物种的。