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2024-02-01 01:16:17
美[pɔɪntər]  英[pɔɪntə(r)]
n.  指针;教鞭;(能指出猎物位置的)猎犬;暗示;主意
sp.  Pointer: 指极星.


  1. a mark to indicate a direction or relation
  2. an indicator as on a dial
  3. (computer science) indicator consisting of a movable spot of light (an icon) on a visual display; moving it allows the user to point to commands or screen positions
  4. a strong slender smooth-haired dog of Spanish origin having a white coat with brown or black patches; scents out and points to game


  1. The data pointer value is not valid.数据指针值无效。
  2. Be sure to this weather pointer correctly.千万把天气指针拨准了。
  3. Mr.Smith rapped on the board with his pointer to call the class to order.史密斯先生用教鞭敲着黑板要求全班安静。
  4. Journalists are studying the ministers speech for pointers to the contents of next months policy statement.记者们在研究部长讲话以揣摩下月施政报告中的动向。
  5. I can give him a pointer or two.我可以给他出一两个点子。
  6. A few pointers from him made it all clear to me.经他一指点,我就全明白了。