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2024-02-01 01:29:16
美[poʊk]  英[pəʊk]
n.  戳;刺;拨;钱袋
v.  戳;捅;刺;拨开;伸出
  过去式:poked  过去分词:poked  现在分词:poking  第三人称单数:pokes


  1. 戳,刺,捅
  2. <口>一拳,一击
  3. <俚>游手好闲的人,懒人
  4. 慢性子的人
  5. 宽前沿女帽
  6. 宽前沿
  7. 袋子,小袋
  8. 钱袋,钱包
  9. 颈轭
  10. 讨厌的家伙
  11. 拨弄
  1. 拨(弄),拨开
  2. 探听,打听,刺探
  3. 摸索地走
  4. 搅动
  5. <口>用拳打
  6. 打出
  7. <口>使困居
  8. 向前挤
  9. 干涉
  10. 闲逛,闲荡
  11. 戳(进),捅,刺
  12. 伸出,突出
  13. 好事,多嘴
  14. <美俚>激发,引起
  15. 猛打,猛击
  16. 把...戳向
  17. 把...指向
  18. 杵,推
  19. 探(出),露出
  20. 捅窟窿
  21. 戏弄


  1. vt. & vi. 戳; 拨; 捅 push a pointed thing into (sb or sth)


  1. tall coarse perennial American herb having small white flowers followed by blackish-red berries on long drooping racemes; young fleshy stems are edible; berries and root are poisonous
  2. someone who takes more time than necessary; someone who lags behind
  3. a bag made of paper or plastic for holding customers purchases
  4. a sharp hand gesture (resembling a blow);

    "he warned me with a jab with his finger" "he made a thrusting motion with his fist"

  5. (boxing) a blow with the fist;

    "I gave him a clout on his nose"

  1. poke or thrust abruptly;

    "he jabbed his finger into her ribs"

  2. search or inquire in a meddlesome way;

    "This guy is always nosing around the office"

  3. stir by poking;

    "poke the embers in the fireplace"

  4. hit hard with the hand, fist, or some heavy instrument;

    "the salesman pounded the door knocker" "a bible-thumping Southern Baptist"

  5. make a hole by poking


  1. poke the fire捅火
  2. poke a frog拨弄青蛙
  3. poke a hole捅了一个洞
  1. poke brutally凶残地捅
  2. poke cautiously〔warningly〕小心地捅
  3. poke delicately需要小心处理地捅
  4. poke humorously幽默地捅
  5. poke about在不属于自己的东西中翻弄,翻找
  6. poke along慢慢地〔懒散地〕移动
  7. poke in把(某物)猛地伸入,插入
  8. poke out(使)伸在或留在外面
  9. poke up把…拨旺
  1. poke at向…刺
  2. poke fun at嘲笑…
  3. poke nose in打听,干涉
  4. poke through使穿过,捅穿(某物)


  1. In his view, a pinch, a whack or a poke essentially tugged on a neural rope that then rang a pain alarm bell in the brain.他的看法是,无论是捏、打或戳的动作,基本上都拉动了某根神经索,而敲响脑中某个疼痛的警铃。
  2. I didnt know Haku had a fast poke.我还不知道白有快速刺拳这一手。
  3. He used a nail to poke a hole.他用钉子刺了个洞。
  4. At frequent intervals the driver used to stop, poke the fire and add fresh fuel.在经常性的间歇中,司机常常停下来拨一下火,加上新的汽油。
  1. Dont poke her eye out with that stick!别让那根棍子戳着她的眼!
  2. Dont poke your mouth with the chopsticks.不要用筷子捅嘴。
  3. She shall know better than to poke the animal with her umbrella.她应当知道不该用伞去捅动物。
  4. She poked her finger into the hole.她把手指插入孔中。
  5. Dont poke into my private affairs.不要干涉我的私事。
  6. We never thought she would poke her nose into this.想不到她会插上一手。
  7. He poked (at) the fire with a stick.他用棍拨火。


    poke的基本意思是“戳,拨,捅”,主要是指人用手指、工具或器具去“戳”“刺”“拨”“碰”或“搅起”“翻起”。 poke可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。有时也可接双宾语。