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2024-02-01 02:21:16
美[poʊlwəd]  英[pəʊlwəd]
adj.  向南(或北)极的;向极的


  1. Why Do Baroclinic Waves Tilt Poleward with Height? 为什么斜压波随高度向极倾斜?
  2. This bulletin refers to ECMWF forecast, which forecasts a poleward turn. 本发布根据欧洲中期预报模式,在预测后期24W将向偏北移动。
  3. DOLPHIN is expected to turn to a poleward track in the next 48 hours. 预料白海豚将于未来48小时逐渐减慢并转向偏北方向移动。
  4. Diffusivity, Kinetic Energy Dissipation, and Closure Theories for the Poleward Eddy Heat Flux. 向极涡旋热通量的扩散率、动能耗散何闭合理论。
  5. Seamless Poleward Atmospheric Energy Transports and Implications for the Hadley Circulation. 大气能量向极物缝隙传输和哈德莱环流在其中的作用。
  6. Covariability of Components of Poleward Atmospheric Energy Transports on Seasonal and Interannual Timescales. 季节和年际时间尺度向极大气能量传输分量的协变性。