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2024-02-01 02:24:17
美[pəliːs]  英[pəliːs]
n.  警察;警方
v.  维持治安;管辖;监督
  形容词:policeable  名词:policer  名词复数:police  过去式:policed  过去分词:policed  现在分词:policing  第三人称单数:polices


  1. 警察(部门),警方,公安,警察性组织
  2. 治安
  3. 内务值勤,内务值勤人员
  4. 整顿
  5. 企图对某种行为或措施加以管制的人
  6. 警务人员,警察性组织的人
  7. 【火箭】校正,修正
  8. 【美军】打扫
  1. 在...实施警察制度
  2. 在...设置警察,为...配备警察
  3. 维持...的秩序,维持...的治安
  4. 统治
  5. 【火箭】校正,修正
  6. 【美军】打扫,整理…的内务,整顿
  7. 防防,控制,监督,管理,管辖,管制
  8. 守卫,保卫
  9. 警备
  10. 巡查


  1. [P]警察部门,警方 official organization whose job is to keep public order, prevent and solve crime, etc.
  2. [C]警察 the person who keep public order, prevent and solve crime, etc.


  1. the force of policemen and officers;

    "the law came looking for him"

  1. maintain the security of by carrying out a patrol


  1. ask the police问警察
  2. attract the police吸引警察
  3. beg the police to do sth恳求警察做某事
  4. call the police叫警察
  5. deal with the police对付警察
  6. dispatch the police to scene派警察到现场
  7. fear the police害怕警察
  8. go to the police报案
  9. hate the police恨警察
  10. help the police帮助警察
  11. inform the police通报警察,告诉警察,报警
  12. inform the police of facts把事实报告给警察当局
  13. notify the police报告警察,通知警察
  14. phone the police给警察打电话
  15. put the police on track派警察跟踪
  16. resist the police反抗警察
  17. tell the police告诉警察
  1. the able police有能力的警察
  2. the average police普通警察
  3. the double-faced police口是心非的警察
  4. the eager police热心肠的警察
  5. the fat police胖警察
  6. the good-hearted police好心的警察
  7. the good-sized police大块头的警察
  8. the hard-handed police双手坚硬有力的警察
  9. the judicial police法警
  10. the live police精力旺盛的警察
  11. the local police地方警察
  12. the military police宪兵
  13. the old police老警察
  14. the plain-clothes police便衣警察
  15. the secret police秘密警察
  16. the young police年轻警察
  1. campus police校警
  2. city police城市警察
  3. riot police防暴警察
  4. security police公安人员
  5. women police女警察
  1. the police box警察岗亭
  2. the police car警车
  3. the police doctor法医
  4. the police dog警犬
  5. the police emergency number报警电话号码
  6. the police inspector派出所所长,警察分局局长
  7. the police net警察的罗网
  8. the police office警察总局
  9. the police official警官
  10. the police post派出所
  11. the police rank警衔
  12. the police station警察局
  1. case for the police由警察处理的案件
  2. put matter in hands of the police把事情交给警方处理
  1. the police of decision果断的警察
  2. the police of great promise有远大前途的警察
  3. the police of strong build体格强壮的警察
  4. the police of understanding善解人意的警察


  1. The police have caught the murderer.警察已经抓获杀人凶手。
  2. His strange behavior made the police suspicious.他不寻常的举止引起了警察的怀疑。
  3. Its the duty of the police to preserve the public order.维护公共秩序是警察的职责。
  4. The police are always hounding me.警方一直在追捕我。
  5. The police scoured the area looking for the lost child.警方搜遍这个地区寻找这个走失的孩子。
  1. United Nation forces are sent to police the troubled area.联合国部队被派去维持该动乱地区的秩序。
  2. Hundreds of military officers were drafted in to police the demonstration.抽调了数百名军官去维护示威游行的秩序。
  3. The army policed the conquered city.军队管制这个被占领的城市。
  4. A new body has been set up to police the nuclear power industry.已设立了新机构来监督核电工业。


    police的意思是“警察”,指警察这个官方机构,是单数形式的复数名词,前面一般要用定冠词the,后面跟动词的复数形式。 police须用their等复数代词指代,可受these, most, several, many, dozens of等表示不确切的量词修饰,也可受2以上基数词修饰,但不可用a或one修饰表示单个警察。 police在句中可用在其他名词前作定语。 police还可作“警察局”解,在句中用作主语时谓语动词用单数形式。


  1. 警察逮捕了所有的嫌疑犯。

    The police has arrested all the suspects.

    The police have arrested all the suspects.

    The police作“警察”“警方”解,在句中作主语时,谓语动词必须是复数形式。


    A police caught the thief.

    A policeman caught the thief.

    police意为“警察部门”是集合名词,表示复数意义,前面必须有定冠词。policeman意为“警务人员”,如果要表示“一个警察”,则用a policeman或a police officer。