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2024-02-01 03:00:17
美[pɒlən]  英[pɒlən]
n.  [鱼](爱尔兰)白鲑


  1. Michael Pollan: It is a very young science. 他说:“营养学是一个很年轻的学科。
  2. Besides, this is how change usually comes about, notes Mr Pollan. 此外,博兰指出变化就是这样发生的。
  3. Michael Pollan makes several suggestions to the president. Mister Pollan向总统提了几个建议。
  4. "You are either improving or ruining your health when you eat -- that is a very American idea," Pollan says. “典型的美国式观点认为:吃饭要么改善健康要么损害健康”。
  5. Pollan advocates a return to the local and the basic, even at the risk of elitism. 博兰先生主张恢复地方和基本的,即使是在危险中的执政。
  6. "It is better that the food be simpler than more complex," Pollan said in an interview. 从某一方面来讲;那些长期高举简单化大旗的人们获得了成功.