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2024-02-01 03:42:16
美[poʊltərɡaɪst]  英[pəʊltəɡaɪst]
n.  敲击吵闹恶作剧的鬼


  1. 喧闹鬼
  2. 促狭鬼(有时发怪声、乱扔东西)
  3. 吵闹鬼
  4. 骚扰家宅的幽灵
  5. 捉弄人的鬼


  1. a ghost that announces its presence with rapping and the creation of disorder


  1. In this small cemetery is the Black Mausoleum where the poltergeist is. 只有当他们将你带入一个叫做“神圣盟约监狱”的时候,旅游才算真正开始,这是一块面积不大的墓地,这里有一个叫做“黑陵”的坟墓,里面就住着那个闹鬼。
  2. You can rationalize away all the strange noises you hear--there is no poltergeist in the house! 你一定能够合理解释你听到的各种奇怪的声音;房子里没有吵闹鬼。
  3. Other stories spoke of poltergeist effects such as objects being thrown around the house and objects of the dead person mysteriously moving. 其他的故事还讲述了鬼怪的恶作剧,如房子的东西被扔来扔去,以及已故的人的东西神秘地移动。
  4. Peeves is a poltergeist and is considered to be one of the [url="http://www.hp-lexicon.org/hogwarts/hogwarts_ghosts.html"] Hogwarts ghosts [/url] . 皮皮鬼是个捣蛋鬼,被认为是霍格沃茨的幽灵之一,但是其他霍格沃茨的幽灵却认为他甚至连一个起码的幽灵都够不上(魔法石,第7章)。
  5. Based on these results, we hypothesize that PHYB regulates the identity and differentiation of stem cell in SAM through POLTERGEIST. 综合我们的实验结果,以及过去对于POL及PHYB的研究,我们认为POL会调节PHYB在植物生长发育上的影响。
  6. A different version of ghost is a poltergeist which is believed to animate objects and therefore cause things to move, lights to turn on etc. 鬼的另一个版本被称作吵闹鬼,据说这种鬼能激活物体使之移动,或打开电灯等。