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2024-02-01 03:46:16
美[pɒlɪæsɪd]  英[pɒlɪæsɪd]
n.  缩多酸
adj.  多酸的


  1. Supermolecules can be synthesized through self-assembly of polyacid(A)and modified polyether(B). 聚合多元酸和改性聚醚通过自组装可形成超分子。
  2. And the influence of needed catalyst and polyacid dosage on resin performances is discussed. 讨论了合成时所需的催化剂、多元酸用量等因素对树脂性能的影响。
  3. The main components of the polyester hotmelts is polyester resin, polyester resin is polyacid. 聚脂冷熔胶次给成不分是聚脂树脂,聚脂树脂是众元酸。
  4. This paper discusses the application of charge-redius ratio in the forma-tion of Polyacid and the judgement of complexing ability of metal ions. 本文讨论了电荷-半径比参数在多酸形成及判断金属离子的配位能力两方面的应用。
  5. And also Ill speak on the pos sibility that Oxygen-Containing acid Can react to form polyacid and reactions that follow. 简单总结出多酸形成的几种途径和强、弱含氧酸形成多酸的可能性以及多酸形成后酸性的变化。
  6. Macromolecule monomer with active groups is polycondensated with polyacid and polyols through esterification reaction to give saturated polyester that is well compatible with acrylic resin. 利用带有活性官能基团的大分子单体,采用酯化反应工艺,与多元酸、多元醇进行缩聚反应,合成的饱和聚酯树脂与丙烯酸树脂具有非常好的相容性。