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2024-02-01 03:51:16
美[pɒlɪəmiːn]  英[pɒlɪəmiːn]
n.  聚胺


  1. Its a solvent-free, two-component, polyamine cured epoxy paint. 为无溶剂厚浆双组分聚酰胺固化的环氧涂料。
  2. Its a two-component, high-solids, polyamine cured epoxy filler. 为高固体含量双组份聚酰胺固化的环氧腻子。
  3. As a bioactive substance polyamine has close relationship with plant. 摘要多胺作为一种生理活性物质,与植物的抗逆性关系密切。
  4. Polyamine - epoxy adduct is used as waterborne epoxy hardener generally. 水性环氧固化剂一般采用多元胺-环氧加成物。
  5. Effects of Polyamine Metabolism on Endogenous Hormone Changes During Flower Formation of Dianthus chinensis L. 多胺代谢对石竹试管苗成花中内源激素含量的影响。
  6. Correlation Between Endogenious Polyamine Contents and Flowr Bud Form ation in Dianthus Chinensis L. 石竹花芽发生与内源多胺含量的关系。