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2024-02-01 04:35:17
美[ˌpɒlɪdɪpsɪə]  英[ˌpɒlɪdɪpsɪə]
n.  [医]烦渴


  1. excessive thirst (as in cases of diabetes or kidney dysfunction)


  1. Improve polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria, caused by diabetes . 可改善因糖尿病等引起的多饮、多食、多尿等症。
  2. Where the lack of body fluid, Kouzaoyangan, polydipsia over, for the best. 凡津液不足、口燥咽干、烦渴不休者,可作佳品。
  3. Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by polydipsia,polyphagia,polyuria,emaciation and weakness. 糖尿病是以多饮、多食、多尿、消瘦、衰弱等为临床特征的疾病。
  4. Soft red ripe persimmon, polydipsia can cure fever, dry mouth lip rotten, Fanre hearts, hot Dengzheng dysentery. 红软熟柿,可治疗热病烦渴、口干唇烂、心中烦热、热痢等症。
  5. Where the lack of body fluid, Kouzaoyangan, polydipsia over who can make the best diet. 凡津液不足、口燥咽干、烦渴不休者,可作食疗佳品。
  6. After 12 treatments of electroconvulsive thera-py, the symptoms of psychosis and polydipsia declined. 经电气痉挛治疗后精神症状改善,大量饮水行为减少。