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2024-02-01 04:59:17
美[pɒliːˌdʒiːn]  英[pɒlɪdʒiːn]
n.  小遗传子


  1. a gene that by itself has little effect on the phenotype but which can act together with others to produce observable variations


  1. The polygene is one member of a system. 多基因是一个遗传体系的成员之一。
  2. The polygene is one member of a system . 多基因是一个遗传体系的成员之一。
  3. Result Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is polygene heredity disease, which is affected by heredity and environment together. 结果鼻咽癌是遗传因素与环境因素共同作用的多基因遗传病。
  4. Wrong tooth adds up to deformation is polygene hereditary disease, often behave familial and genetic tendency. 错牙合畸形是多基因遗传病,常表现家族遗传倾向。
  5. The result of segregation analysis was accordance with polygene heredity pattern. 分离分析2型糖尿病符合多基因遗传模式.
  6. Drought-resistance of maize is controlled by polygene and is typical quantity genetics. 玉米抗旱性是由多基因控制,呈现典型的数量遗传。