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2024-02-01 05:00:16
美[pɒlɪdʒenəsɪs]  英[pɒlɪdʒenəsɪs]
n.  多元发生说


  1. It is the question once again of polygenesis versus diffusion from a single origin. 再次涉及到不同的游戏发展自同一源头的问题。
  2. But through our research on the Hetaoping mineralization-concentrated region, we find that the deposits in this area have a lot of typical characteristics of massive sulfide deposits, and it also has the possibility of polygenesis. 最近,通过对保山北部核桃坪矿集区的初步研究,发现该区的矿床具有块状硫化物矿床的典型特征,并存在多元矿化的可能。
  3. 5 Cases of Polygenesis Carcinoma Related with Genitourinary System 相关泌尿系的多原发癌5例报告
  4. (It is the question once again of polygenesis versus diffusion from a single origin.) (再次涉及到不同的游戏发展自同一源头的问题。)
  5. Keywords Baoshan;Hetaoping;Mineralization-concentrated region;genesis;VMS;SEDEX;polygenesis; 核桃坪;矿集区;矿床特征;成因;VMS;SEDEX;多元矿化;
  6. Keywords topaz;gem mineral;typomorphic mineral;polygenesis;petrogenetic_metallogenic model; 黄玉;宝石矿物;“标型矿物”;多成因;成岩成矿模式;