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2024-02-01 06:49:17
美[pɒlɪpəs]  英[pɒlɪpəs]
n.  水虫息;息 肉


  1. a small vascular growth on the surface of a mucous membrane


  1. The people with polypus of gallbladder for 2.22%. 胆囊息肉的检出率为2.;22%25;
  2. Ask womb polypus operation please needing to have a rest how long? 请问子宫息肉手术要休息多久?
  3. Conclusion The rectum and the sigmoid colon are the main invasive sites of polypus, inflammation, ulcer and tumors. 结直肠病变的检出由高到低依次为结直肠息肉、结直肠的非特异性炎症、结直肠癌、溃疡性结直肠炎等。
  4. Result The clonorchiasis has been mistaken for acute or chronic "cholecystitis"and "cholecystic polypus". 结果将华支睾吸虫病误诊为急慢性“胆囊炎”和“胆囊息肉”。
  5. Results: Most of esophageal carcinosarcoma grew like pileus or polypus in esophagus, a few of them were infiltrating. 结果:食管癌肉瘤多为覃伞样、息肉样腔内生长,个别呈浸润生长。
  6. Six cases of cervical polypus were removed once time and 16 cases of cervical adenocele were all healed in 8 weeks. 宫颈息肉6例全部一次性治愈,16例宫颈腺囊肿8周内全部治愈。