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2024-02-01 07:17:17
美[pɒliːˌtiːn]  英[pɒlɪtiːn]
n.  聚乙烯纤维
  形容词:polytenic  名词:polyteny


  1. The polytene chromosomes found in the salivary gland cells are among the largest chromosomes known today. 唾液腺细胞中的多线染色体是目前已知的最大染色体之一。
  2. Ovarian nurse cell polytene chromosomes of F1 hybrid females were examined, to observe any synapsis in different zones of chromosomes. 制作杂种 F1 卵巢营养细胞多线染色体标本, 观察染色体各区域的联会情况。
  3. Slides were examined and photographed under microscope to measure the polytene chromosomes.Systematic analysis was made. 分别取成熟幼虫分离出唾液腺,经苯酚品红染液染色、压片,镜检、摄影和测量,作统计学处理。
  4. In comparison with the pattern of polytene chromosomes of A. minimus from Guangxi, difference at 12 positions has been found at the parts of arms in banding sequences. 与广西微小按蚊卵巢营养细胞多线染色体比较,发现有12处差异。
  5. Steady of Linear Low - Density Polytene 线性低密度聚乙烯的稳定性
  6. High Definition Polytene Ethylene tube 高密度聚乙烯管