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2024-02-01 07:28:17
美[pɒlɪjʊrɪə]  英[pɒlɪjərɪə]
n.  [医]多尿(症)


  1. renal disorder characterized by the production of large volumes of pale dilute urine; often associated with diabetes


  1. Improve polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria, caused by diabetes . 可改善因糖尿病等引起的多饮、多食、多尿等症。
  2. Urodynamic studies revealed marked increase of maximal urethral closure pressure (MUCP) - 210 cm H20, caused by decompensation of polyuria. 尿路动力学检查显示,最大尿道闭锁压力明显升高,达210公分水柱压;概由于多尿而造成代偿现象。
  3. Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by polydipsia,polyphagia,polyuria,emaciation and weakness. 糖尿病是以多饮、多食、多尿、消瘦、衰弱等为临床特征的疾病。
  4. "Mainly manifested as follows: polyuria, many food, many drinks and weight loss. 主要表现为:多尿,多食,多饮和体重减少。
  5. The patient had no past history of genitourinary tract disorder, except for polyuria, since his childhood. 我们报告一个二十岁男性病人,他因为跌倒,左侧胁部挫伤,造成血尿合并尿滞留入院治疗。
  6. Polyuria in 3 of 5 patients and hypopituitarism in 2 of 4 patients were improved after operation. 3例尿崩症、2例垂体功能低下改善,1例术后2年复发。