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2024-02-01 08:12:16
美[pɒmpəsli]  英[pɒmpəsli]
adv.  傲慢地;盛大壮观地


  1. in a pompous manner;

    "he pompously described his achievements"


  1. Pompously dogmatic or self-important; pretentious. 自命不凡的;爱炫耀的自负而武断的或自命不凡的;爱炫耀的
  2. Pompously dogmatic or self - important;pretentious. 自命不凡的;爱炫耀的自负而武断的或自命不凡的;爱炫耀的
  3. Part of the fun is the way he condenses the work of others who have approached the subject pompously or sententiously. “趣事的一部分”是本书作者的工作方式:别人对“步行”这个话题进行了深入或粗浅的研究,而他则将这些人的工作浓缩了起来。
  4. With falls ill takes Wu Jingui, the reason looks resembles pompously, the regulations are one always result in cannot the old repertoire. 用生病拿下吴金贵,理由看似冠冕堂皇,实则是一个老得不能再老的套路。
  5. Microphone in hand,the "supergirls" were singing at the top of their v oices,rocking and swaying,eyes half-do-ed,hair dyed brown and with a s tyle like Medusa and dressed pompously and gorgeously. (“超女”手持话筒,使劲地唱,摇摇扭扭,半闭着双眼,她们染黄的头发发型如同美杜莎,穿着夸张而华丽。)
  6. pompously ultraconservative and nationalistic. 傲慢的极端保守主义和国家主义。