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2024-02-01 09:14:17
美[pʊrɪʃ]  英[pʊərɪʃ]
adj.  不大好的(不大充分的)


  1. These revolutions make the villager from poorish. 这些改革措施把村民们从贫困中解救了出来。
  2. You may guess that rich Sweden is kind to its children, but poorish Hungary is generous, too. 你可以看看,富裕的瑞典对儿童照顾有佳,而有点贫困的匈牙利对儿童的资金投入也很慷慨。
  3. Indias poorish record with respect to malnutrition (at a time of impressive economic growth) dragged down the improvement (32%) registered by South Asia as a whole. 印度在儿童营养不良方面的糟糕记录(与同期印度经济的良好表现形成鲜明对比)拖了南亚地区后腿,使得地区的儿童福利指标增长了32%25。
  4. I have been broke many times in my life, but I have never been poor; because poorish is just a state of mind; and now you and I are just, without funds. 在我一生中破产过很多次,但是我从来都不觉得自己一无所有;因为贫穷只是一种精神状态;现在你我,只是缺乏资金而已。
  5. India’s poorish record with respect to malnutrition (at a time of impressive economic growth) dragged down the improvement (32%) registered by South Asia as a whole. 而尽管南亚国家在这一领域取得了32%25的进步,但印度在经济高速增长时期儿童营养不足率高得十分惊人,这也使得南亚国家取得的进步有些黯然失色。
  6. Poorish ex-communist countries that rely on coal for power will be allowed to dish out up to 70% of the carbon allowances needed by power firms, for no payment, for a few years after 2013. 仍旧依赖于用煤来获得能源的前共产国家被允许在2013年后的一些年中免费获得发电厂需要的排碳允许量的70%25。