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2024-02-01 09:51:16
美[ˌpɒpjʊləraɪzeɪʃən]  英[ˌpɒpjʊləraɪzeɪʃən]
n.  <主英>=popularization


  1. an interpretation that easily understandable and acceptable
  2. the act of making something attractive to the general public


  1. This removed the biggest obstacle for the popularisation of coffee in Europe. 这个决定,扫除了咖啡流行欧洲的最大障碍。
  2. She has devoted herself extensively to the popularisation of the piano in China. 1980年,她赴美国29所大学进行讲学和演奏,介绍宣传中国钢琴作品。
  3. Another would be to revise the approach to science communication and popularisation. 另外一个问题是要改善科学传播与科学普及的方法。
  4. The popularisation of science and technology has contributed to the disappearance of superstition. 科技的普及促成了迷信的消亡。
  5. In conclusion, Popularis kept the highest productivity under soil moisture of 30%FFC among the four poplar genotypes and Italica was the lowest. 总之,在30%25FFC条件下,群众杨在四种杨树中生产力水平最高,而I-214杨则最低。
  6. Abstract: The view on quality in college education exerts great influence on the popularisation of college education. 摘 要: 高等教育质量观对高等教育大众化进程有着重要影响。