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2024-02-01 10:17:17
美[pɒrɪfərəs]  英[pɔːrɪfərəs]
adj.  有孔的;多孔的;海棉动物的


  1. full of pores or vessels or holes


  1. Main product has: All sorts of norms cement pole, prestressing force is poriferous pattern plate and other cement.. 主要产品有:各种规格水泥电杆,预应力多孔模板及其它水泥...
  2. Leather is by ossein type piece the material of poriferous fiber shape that poriferous matrix makes record. 皮革是由骨胶原类型片状多孔基质构成的多孔纤维状物质。
  3. Enter Miao Wei to rescue day of day night of east wind, resembled lifting Chinese car line of business is large and poriferous frock, feel its pulse. 进入苗圩拯救东风的日日夜夜,就像掀开了中国汽车业肥大而多孔的罩衫,摸到它的脉搏。
  4. Profile is poriferous cavity, advocate the liner steel that there is Lengza armor plate to be made inside antrum, in order to increases the strength of window of model steel door. 型材为多孔空腔,主腔内有冷扎钢板制成的内衬钢,用以提高塑钢门窗的强度。
  5. For instance road construction can use the brick that set straw, poriferous pitch more, raise afforest area, at the same time laid underground permeates apparatus, those who increase groundwater superstratum to lie between water layer is osmotic. 比如道路建设可以多采用嵌草砖、多孔沥青,增加绿化面积,同时铺设地下渗透装置,增加地下水上层隔水层的渗透性。
  6. poriferous chinaware material 多孔陶瓷材料