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2024-02-01 10:30:17
美[pɔːrnɑːɡrəfər]  英[pɔːnɒɡrəfə(r)]
n.  色情小说作家;春画画家


  1. someone who presents shows or sells writing or pictures that are sexually explicit in violation of the community mores


  1. Hugo, youre known primarily as a hard-core pornographer, correct? hugo, 你主要作为一个色情作品发行人而出名, 对吗?
  2. Beware: Ang Lee shoots the Chu family meals with a food pornographers eyes. 注意了:就是朱家普通的一顿饭,李安也是带着一双饕餮者的眼睛去看的。
  3. H ugo, youre known pri mari ly as a hard-core pornographer, correct? |雨果,你起初是一个 限制级A片摄影师,对吗?
  4. The original Icelandic law sites domain registration expired, and a pornographer purchased the domain name. 原来冰岛法律网站的域名注册已过期,然后其域名被一个色情作家买下了。
  5. This sadist and pornographer, whom I had once seen striding through the streets of the old town brandishing a whip, seemed to have wilted. 我曾见过这个虐待狂和色情狂在这个古城的大街上挥舞着鞭子昂首阔步,他好象蔫了一样。
  6. This sadist and pornographer, whom I had once seen striding through the streets of the old town brandishing a whip, seemed to have wilted 我曾见过这个虐待狂和色情狂在这个古城的大街上挥舞着鞭子昂首阔步,他好象蔫了一样。