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2024-02-01 12:09:17
美[pəzesərɪ]  英[pəzesərɪ]
adj.  所有的;所有者的


  1. Socialistic laborer is oneself labour force is possessory. 社会主义劳动者是自身劳动力的所有者。
  2. But if it is used as capital or capital, must be its possessory bring a profit. 但它若作为资本或资金来使用,则必须为其所有者带来利益。
  3. Otherwise, all growth is final metropolis and possessory have nothing to do. 否则,一切的增长最终都会与所有者无关。
  4. The order only grants a possessory interest to the condemning authority. 命令只授予占有的兴趣谴责的当局。
  5. Actually, gu Ge and news are possessory the concern between is distant more complex than this. 其实,谷歌与新闻所有者之间的关系远比这复杂。
  6. According to Introduction Wood, gu Ge is telling brand how possessory someone else just can use their label. 据伍德介绍,谷歌正在告诉商标所有者其他人如何才能使用他们的商标。