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2024-02-01 12:56:17
美[poʊstəraɪzeɪʃən]  英[pəʊstəraɪzeɪʃən]
n.  [摄]多色调分色法


  1. The poster had been ripped to pieces. 那张广告画已被撕得粉碎。
  2. He put up a poster advertising the circus. 他贴了一张宣传马戏团的海报。
  3. The lettering on the poster is very eye-catching. 海报上的字体非常醒目。
  4. The poster only stayed up a few hours, before it was stolen. 那张海报贴上去没几个小时就让人给偷走了。
  5. A poster announcing a theatrical performance. 演出海报公布戏剧演出的海报
  6. Hey! Somebody put their poster on top of ours. 嘿!有人把海报贴在我们的上面。