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2024-02-01 13:17:17
美[ˌpoʊsthɪpnɒtɪk]  英[pəʊsthaɪpnɒtɪk]
adj.  催眠后的


  1. NSAs Subliminal Posthypnotic Scripts outlines exactly how this is done. 《NSA潜意识催眠手册大纲》介绍如何实现。
  2. They obviously have found a wavelength with hypnotic effects so that they could give me posthypnotic orders. I wasnt able not to obey. 他们明显的已经发现一种有着催眠效果的波长,以致他们能给我催眠后的命令。我不能不服从。
  3. 8 They obviously have found a wavelength with hypnotic effects so that they could give me posthypnotic orders. I wasnt able not to obey. 他们明显的已经发现一种有着催眠效果的波长,以致他们能给我催眠后的命令。我不能不服从。
  4. posthypnotic amnesia 催眠后遗忘
  5. posthypnotic effects 催眠后效应