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2024-02-01 13:37:17
美[poʊstmɪstrəs]  英[pəʊstmɪstrəs]
n.  女性邮局局长


  1. a woman postmaster


  1. Sara: Of course! I have to write about our towns postmistress. 莎菈:当然有啊!我当然得写写我们镇上的邮局女局长呀。
  2. The postmistress handed him back through the grill his card with a letter. 女邮政局长隔着黄铜格栅把他的名片连同一封信递了过来。
  3. She has lived in Ancaster since 1933, and retired as the villages postmistress at age 72, after 35 years on the job, according to the newspaper. 报载,自从1933年起,大娘就一直住在安达斯特镇,在当了35年邮政局长后,她于72岁时光荣退休。
  4. While the postmistress searched a pigeonhole he gazed at the recruiting poster with soldiers of all arms on parade: and held the tip of his baton against his nostrils, smelling freshprinted rag paper. 当那位女邮政局长在分信箱里查找的时候,他盯着那征募新兵的招贴。上面是各兵种的士兵在列队行进。他把报纸卷的一端举起来按在鼻孔上,嗅着那刚印刷好的糙纸的气味。