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2024-02-01 14:34:16
美[poʊteɪʃən]  英[pəʊteɪʃən]
n.  畅饮;饮料


  1. a serving of drink (usually alcoholic) drawn from a keg;

    "they served beer on draft"

  2. the act of drinking (especially an alcoholic drink)


  1. Actually,reasonable potation is not able to hurt nerve cell. 其实,适量饮酒不会对神经细胞造成伤害。
  2. "Defabing It defends the baby against on they potation microbial all the potential microbian that can affect inhim. 母乳帮助婴儿抵抗所有潜在的对他们不利的微生物。
  3. MDA is a kind of technology that still in seedtime,but it represents deep potation. MDA技术总体上尚处初级发展阶段,但是已经表现出极大改变软件开发状况的潜力。
  4. Urban and zone trarspertalin planning;feasible study and the later evaluation for the projects at trans potation constracture;Urban traffic contral and Management. 城市与区域交通规划、交通建设项目工程可行性研究及评估,城市交通控制与管理。
  5. Three,drug factor:Potation,using drugs without construction,replying on drug or getting rid of drugs would cause insomnia. (3)药物因素:饮酒、药物滥用、药物依赖及戒断症状均可引起失眠。
  6. Keywords Pulsed rotating spray transfer High speed cinematography Potation mechanism at the molten metal tip; 脉冲旋转喷射过渡;高速摄影;液锥旋转机制;