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2024-02-01 15:00:17
美[pɒtˌhed]  英[pɒtˌhed]
n.  吸大麻者;瘾君子


  1. someone who smokes marijuana habitually


  1. PotentiaI future president, or unempIoyed pothead? 未来的总统还是吊儿郎当的瘾君子?
  2. The companionship of these friends may not sound very hip, but I found it more fun than the thinly veiled distress of my pothead buddies. 和这些朋友们在一起,也许听上去不那么地时尚,但是我感到比起烟鬼朋友们来说。。有更多乐趣。
  3. So, broad pothead smoking must notice circumstance, time to wait, it is oneself healthy consideration of course, had better be smoke of Buddhist monastic discipline. 所以,广大瘾君子吸烟一定要注意场合、时间等,当然为自己的健康考虑,最好是戒烟。
  4. A thief and a pothead! 既是小偷又是瘾君子!
  5. :“i feel very sorry telling you this. but i think i have to let you know that she seems to have been a pothead for quite a while. we found excessive lysergicaciddiethylamide (lsd) in her stomach (我很抱歉告诉你这些,但是我想还是要说,她好像是个迷幻药使用者,并且使用迷幻药有一段时间了。我们在她的胃里找到了过量的lsd”。
  6. cable pothead jointing sleeve 电缆终端套管